Original Image Clear
Modified Image Cloudy

How do YOU experience life each day?

Cloudy or Clear?

What Type of Vision Will Best Suit Your Lifestyle?

Take Our Short Quiz to Find Out.

1. If lens replacement is recommended for you, please rate your vision preferences at the following distances:

Distance Vision: driving, golf, tennis, other sports, watching TV

Mid-range Vision: computer, menus, price tags, cooking, board games

Near Vision: reading books & newspapers, doing detailed handiwork

2. Please check the single statement that best describes you in terms of night vision:

3. If you had to wear glasses after surgery for only one activity, for which type of activity would you be most willing to wear glasses?

4. If you could have good distance vision during the day without glasses and good near vision for reading without glasses, but the compromise was that you might see some halos or rings around lights at night, would that be OK?

5. If you could have good distance vision and mid-range vision during the day and night without glasses, but the compromise was that you might need glasses for reading the finest print at near, would you like that option?

6. How many hours per day do you spend:

7. List your favorite hobbies or work activities:

What is a Cataract?

Cataracts are a “clouding” or opacification of the eye’s natural lens. When this happens, images may appear blurred and you may experience difficulty seeing at night or performing routine tasks. As the cataract becomes more significant over time, the decrease in vision may affect your quality of life.

Why is Your Vision Changing?

If you are over age 55 and your vision is starting to change, cataracts may be to blame.

Cataract Symptoms
  • Cloudy vision
  • Dull colors
  • Yellowed images
  • Glare
  • Poor night vision
  • Frequent glasses prescription changes
  • Double vision (rare)

Cataracts are the leading cause of vision loss in adults over age 55; by age 80, more than half of all Americans have cataracts.

The Solution: QuickVision Advanced Cataract Surgery

David R. Pernelli, MD, performs his QuickVision Advanced Cataract Surgery Technique: a small incision, no stitch, minimally invasive procedure to remove the cloudy eye lens and replace it Cataracts are the leading cause of vision loss in adults over age 55; by age 80, more than half of all Americans have cataracts. with a traditional or a Lifestyle artificial Intraocular Lens (IOL) providing clearer vision and a quicker return to daily activities.

You Decide What Type of Vision You Want After Surgery

Traditional Monofocal IOLs have been used during cataract surgery for many years. This type of lens is designed to provide clear distance vision at a fixed focus. Occasionally patients may enjoy the ability to read without glasses or contacts after having this lens implanted but most patients still require glasses for correction of their near and or their intermediate vision.

Dr. Pernelli also offers patients several advanced lens choices to reduce or eliminate the need for glasses after surgery.

Presbyopia is a term for the eye’s lenses becoming stiffer and less flexible as you age. It’s the reason so many of us need reading glasses after age 40.

  • Accommodating IOLs to Correct Cataracts & Presbyopia

    The crystalens® Accommodating IOL is the only FDA approved accommodating lifestyle IOL designed to provide a more natural, continuous range of vision including distance, intermediate and near vision and everything in between.

  • Multifocal IOLs to Correct Cataracts & Presbyopia

    The AcrySof ReSTOR IOL and Tecnis Multifocal IOL use a variety of different fixed visual zones that are built into the optics of the lens to provide a continuous range of vision from distance to near.

  • Toric Astigmatism-Correcting IOLs

    The AMO Toric, AMO Toric Multifocal and the Trulign Toric IOLs are all lenses that offer customized correction of corneal astigmatism and improved distance vision allowing for greater independence from glasses.

Importance of the Cataract Evaluation

Not all cataracts need to be removed and replaced right away. The best way to know if the time is right for you is by scheduling a Cataract Evaluation at the Eye Institute of South Jersey, PC.

What to Expect at the Cataract Evaluation

During your evaluation Dr. Pernelli and his staff will dilate your eyes and perform a variety of non-invasive tests and measurements. Many of the tests will be performed personally by Dr. Pernelli to optimize your surgical outcome if surgery is deemed necessary for you. The tests and examination will determine:

  • Your refractive error (nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, presbyopia)
  • Your natural eye lens quality
  • Your retinal health (back of the eye)
  • Your eye pressure (glaucoma test)
  • Your personal measurements for your artificial lens implant (IOL)

Scheduling Cataract Surgery

After the tests and evaluation are performed, Dr. Pernelli will discuss your results and present personalized options for your best possible visual outcome. He will address any fears or concerns that you may have and explain the procedure and different replacement lens options. When cataract surgery is determined to be your best treatment option for clearer vision it will be scheduled with Dr. Pernelli on a day and time that is right for you.

Insurance + Financing

Your Best Vision Possible

Cataract surgery with traditional Monofocal Intraocular Lenses is usually covered by Medicare and most insurance plans; however, most insurances have deemed the addition of a Lifestyle Intraocular Lenses to not be medically necessary. Recognizing that if given the opportunity, most people would choose clear vision over having to wear glasses or contacts, the Eye Institute of South Jersey, PC, offers 0% interest financing options for up to 12 months through CareCredit®. We also offer longer term low-interest financing options. We’ll work hard to make your best vision fit into your budget.