For many glasses or contact lens wearers, there comes a time when they say enough is enough and decide to have laser eye surgery. So, what is the best age to get laser eye surgery? Generally, the perfect candidate is someone between the ages of 20 and 40. This is because a major determining factor in laser eye surgery candidacy is a stable eye prescription for at least two years. Just as your body grows and matures through adolescence, so do your eyes. Research shows that your eyes begin to stabilize and your prescription is more likely to remain steady after the age of 20.
Laser Eye Surgery for Teens
Although LASIK is a safe and effective way to improve vision, the FDA has not approved the procedure for people under the age of 18 because their eyes are not fully developed. In some cases, a person’s eyes may not fully develop until the age of 21. A teenager who undergoes laser eye surgery when their eyes are not fully developed will find the results to be temporary and may need corrective surgery in the future.
Older Patients
Older patients typically suffer from age-related conditions that cannot be treated with refractive surgery, such as cataracts, and therefore may not be good candidates for this type of procedure. Cataracts occur when the natural lens in the eye becomes cloudy, resulting in blurred vision. It is one of the leading causes of vision loss among older people. Patients with cataracts should consider undergoing cataract surgery, in which the eye’s natural lens is replaced by an artificial lens.
Of course, laser eye surgery is not right for every patient. If you’re ready to find out if it is right for you, the best thing you can do is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Pernelli in Vineland. Contact The Eye Institute of South Jersey at 856-205-1100 or today.