What is LASIK surgery?
LASIK surgery corrects refractive error conditions such as hyperopia (farsightedness), myopia (nearsightedness) and astigmatism. During LASIK surgery Dr. Pernelli uses an excimer laser to reshape the cornea so light is focused more accurately on the retina resulting in clearer vision. For most patients this life changing procedure can be the key to restoring more natural, youthful vision and some patients report vision better than they have ever been able to achieve with glasses or contact lenses.
If you wear glasses or contacts to correct a refractive error, LASIK may give you the visual freedom to live life without lenses.”
Dr. Pernelli
Traditional LASIK does not correct for presbyopia, the need for reading glasses, that most adults experience around the age of 40. Presbyopia is not a corneal condition but rather occurs as part of the maturing process where the natural lens loses its ability to flex. This is called accommodation. When clear reading and driving vision is desired without dependence on reading glasses or contact lenses, clear lens extraction, Monovision or advanced iLASIK may be an option.
To see if you are a good candidate for LASIK or Monovision LASIK, contact us at 856-205-1100 for your “Free to See,” no charge, LASIK in Vineland Consultation. Take our easy online LASIK Self-Evaluation now.