When your reading vision begins to falter – usually around the age of 40 – it becomes necessary to wear reading glasses to clearly see text messages, restaurant menus, medicine bottles, labels, etc. and to drive. This condition, known as presbyopia, is a frustrating, naturally occurring condition that develops as part of the aging process.
Presbyopia is caused by the loss of elasticity in the natural crystalline lens of the eye, thereby losing the ability to focus on near objects. Unlike nearsightedness or farsightedness which are refractive errors that can in many cases be corrected with laser vision correction (LASIK or iLASIK), presbyopic patients have other surgical and nonsurgical alternatives to restore reading vision.
In addition to reading glasses and full vision glasses at the Eye Institute of South Jersey, PC, Dr. Pernelli and Dr. Heacox offer these alternatives:
- Lens replacement surgery: the natural lens is removed and an artificial lens is implanted to reduce dependence on reading glasses or contacts
- Monovision and modified monovision contact lenses: reading vision and distance vision is corrected by a combination of multifocal and/or single vision lenses together providing seamless vision.
- Monovision LASIK: using LASIK technology, reading and distance vision is custom corrected to meet individual lifestyle and vision demands. This is especially effective for those patients who were previously successful with monovision contact lenses.
If you are tired of wearing reading glasses, contact us today to schedule an eye exam and learn about your options to restore reading vision.