The average person spends 40% of their waking hours in front of a digital screen. Current average screen time statistics suggests that means the average American spends nearly 7 hours per day viewing a computer screen or digital device. You probably aren’t surprised then to notice the correlation between hours spent with blue light interaction and headaches, dry eyes and fatigue. While the amount of time the average person spends with their eyes fixed on a screen may sound alarming, in the modern, digital world we live in it’s often a necessity for work productivity and school performance.
While UV radiation is the part of light that people cannot visibly see, blue light is the visible part of the light spectrum you can see. Although natural sunlight is the largest source of blue light, it comes from other sources as well including television, computers, mobile devices and fluorescent and LED lights. The blue light exposure from screens is relatively small when compared to the effects of the sun; however, there is concern over long-term exposure considering the length of time in use as well as the up-close proximity of the devices. It then begs the question regarding blue light and your eyes-separating fact from fiction-are blue light blockers worth it?
Despite the fact there is no scientific evidence that supports a link between blue light exposure and vision changes or impairment, blue light blockers on prescription lenses may still be beneficial and worth the added cost. Almost all visible blue light passes through the cornea and lens and hits the back of the eye at the retina. The retina is responsible for transmitting the images you see to the brain to interpret what you see. Because exposure to sunlight has been proven to increase the risk of cataract development and macular degeneration, known types of retinal disease, filtering blue light from reaching the retina may hinder any premature aging of the eyes or complications to vision. Even if your digital device usage only brings about minor symptoms such as ocular strain and daytime tiredness, the reality is the field of ophthalmology is still constantly learning about the impact of environmental factors, both natural and manmade, on the health of the eyes and quality of vision.
To protect your vision, Eye Institute of South Jersey, P.C. suggests you take every reasonable precaution to keep your eyes healthy. From accurate prescriptions to layers of filter protection on your lenses to regular exams, taking a proactive role in your eyecare starts with you. For more information, book an appointment today by calling 856-205-1100 or visiting WEBSITE.